विश्वेशं माधवं धुण्डिं दण्डपाणिं च भैरवम् ।
वन्दे काशीं गुहां गङ्गां भवानीं मणिकर्णिकाम्॥


Havan, Pooja, Pitr Karma in Kashi

पंचाननं प्रबलपंचविनोदशीलं संभावये
मनसिशंकरमम्बिकेशम् ।।
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Kuja/ Angaraka Graha japam

From: 4,811.00 incl GST

Harness the formidable energy of Lord Kuja Graham (Mars) with our Kuja Graha Japam, also known as Angaraka Graha Shanti Puja. Lord Mars is associated with physical strength, aggression, and the bonds between friends and brothers. When Mars is not favorably positioned in an astrological Kundali or is weak in one’s horoscope, it can bring malefic effects such as sadness, anger, accidents, and injuries. To counteract these influences, Kuja Graha Japam is performed.

Spiritual Significance: Kuja Graha Japam is a powerful means to balance the energies of Lord Mars. This ritual is undertaken to strengthen physical energy, dispel aggression, and promote harmonious relationships. Lord Mars is revered as the main deity in this puja.

Key Insights:

  • Energy and Quickness: Lord Kuja Graha’s blessings enhance energy levels and quicken one’s pace in life.
  • Aggression Mitigation: This practice effectively removes aggressive tendencies, fostering inner peace and harmony.
  • Marital Bliss: Kuja Graha Japam often improves relations between married couples, bringing harmony and understanding.
  • Auspicious Timing: It is typically performed on Tuesdays or on dates that align with one’s Janma Nakshatra (birth star).
  • Deity: Lord Mars (Mangal) is the central deity, and the ritual seeks his divine blessings.

Experience the Warrior’s Balance: Participate in our Kuja Graha Japam and align yourself with the balanced energy of Lord Mars. Let the ritual empower you with strength, dispel aggression, and enhance your relationships.

Embrace the transformative power of Kuja Graha Japam and find balance in the warrior’s energy. Join us in the sacred city of Kashi and experience the blessings of Lord Mars.


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